"You should go with bus 513. You'll catch it at some minutes past from Korsvägen, where you go by tram 6. The bus drives then over the mountain to Björndammen, or by the way; catch the bus at Svingeln, but then you have to go now and take a tram 1, or, well, we can go together to Heden with 765 and then take the bus in either direction. Or change in Partille Centrum at '45" from bus 510, which goes from Centralstation."
Maps as well as simplicity are the necessity to get a well working Public Transportation. Imaginary maps of routes and time schedule, glues into our heads, especially if routes have to fit to each other to not get stuck in a boring place with nothing to do, except of waiting. To make it easier nowadays, the transit companies often have software so we, the people can check best way between two points. Public transit seems to have endless of solutions both as a visual system, nodes to change between buss, train, tram and subway, as well as the vehicles in itself, as these double buses in Luzern and the triple -buses in Hamburg.
Today's theme is about public transit and the variation between.

Old trams uphill/downhill for the turists in San Fransisco and a more modern sort of tramsystem, Muni were it's more flat in the surroundings. The city uses buses mostly in town and BART, Bay Area Rapit Transit (shown in picture, taken at the web), a mix betweeen subway and train, for the longer distances in the San Fransisco Bay area. But for most, they use cars. To to find the bus routes is hard in SF if you don't know them, as they don't allow people who are not in the system to go to the system; bus stops do have no schedule information.
In the picture is a tram road without cars, and pedestrian on the sides. Cars have to turn another way (right picture). A very common sight were the trams are, the feeling is different, it is a little bit more harmonic, with people walking and not so many cars as in Geneva center, Freiburg center and shown above in Istanbul. But were the cars are in Istanbul.. it's a lot of cars. And even if traffic jams are a fact, people have to take the car anyway. A city were they had a successful change was in Bogota in Colombia. From a city in chaos; frequently car jams and accidents; to a city with a bus system that works as a subway, and that with less money invested than for a subway. You can find a complete list of Light Rail, Light Railway, Tramway and Metro systems throughout the World, at their homepage.

What do we see more of in future? More public transit is a yes by sure, but more roads and cars? Take a look at this video in another future before you say yes.
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