Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It's not new at al; planet earth is in an urgent need of something new that have the solution on global climate change, starving, unhealthy people, soil loss, water shortage, biodiversity loss and high human population increase rate. Sustainability is a word that is used more and more in every level in the society around the planet and the concept from the small organisation Ecocity Builders is certainly one of the broadest, including everyone on the planet to take action. The founder Richard Register has now 40 years of experience and means that the change is going to slow. He mean that the organisation have the answer on what the human need now; we have to rebuild cities to be more dense in the same time be rebuild to a better place to live in. This paper investigate how to spread information from a small organisation to a broad target group, and what strategies the organisation use to go from information spreading to real life action meaning actually rebuild the cities to ecocities.

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