Second of four best examples of sustainable neighbourhood (in the world?); the Französisches Viertel, Tübingen in Germany. First post was about the Vauban district in German Freiburg and third and fourth are from Sweden; Hammarby Sjöstad in Stockholm and Western Harbour in Malmö
Tübingen is a university town 45 km south

of Stuttgart. Its population is 87,000 and has been growing for a long time, mainly due to migration. New areas needs to be planned. Here is an example from Südstadt.
PROJECT APPEARANCE DESCRIPTION; Französisches Viertel (French Quarter, 9.8ha) is now an area for 6500 people and 2000 jobs. The land was before an area with former French military barracks, now an area with new housing in between;

including mixed-use, high-density and car-reducing transport concepts, and advanced landscape, water and energy solutions. Kindergarten, schools, meeting rooms, studio for artists and a lot of open space. In one of the picture, a special playground with arrangements for watergame. Mix of old and new, big and detailed, community gardens and plants on the balconies. The organic process required a relatively high freedom in design.
Strategy; The strategy was implemented by making use of a Städtebauliche Entwicklungsmassnahme

("Urban Development Act", S165 BauGB) which allows a municipality to remain in control of the development process. The framework contained a written part, describing both physical and social objectives, and a master plan, resulting from an open competition that was won by three architecture students in 1992. Land was advertised in the local media. Public events organised by the agency served as participatory platforms through which people interested in joining a partnership could get to know each other. In the first round, the fundamentals of planning information on the citizens arranged

themselves into groups, a decision which is primarily from the respective life situation is: families with children, older people, adults without children, professionals, youths, students and women to
interests of a female-planning resume. Once an interest group had formed, the agency could decide to grant a site option, usually for a period of six months. Options were given upon provision of bank securities by each member and an assessment of the group's social composition. In making this assessment, the agency aimed to establish a true social mix, with no dominating

social factor. Applications were decided on public meetings, on which the agency had to justify any rejection. These interest groups expressed their specific demands on the design of public space in general and in relation to specific spatial situations. Initially this was done in an initial brainstorming session on this first night, then later in the formed working groups were formed from each stakeholder group spokesman elected were the following, which one continuously

held working group met in the supervision of a neutral moderator was here the comparison between the well various interests held, with the help of a landscape architect as a "drawing hand" was a specific plan.
Participation: Initiating top-down
Participants: citizens who made it higher than that of a foreign design
Structure: Municipality of Tübingen, partnership groups
Financing: No specific subsidies were given beyond the standard tax
breaks available nation-wide at the time (Eigenheimzulage - now discontinued).
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