-It is a stroke, the woman told me in the veterinary jour line. You have to come with him tomorrow. There is nothing to do. Keep him calm untill then.
I sat with Pipis for hours. He ate and drank, and sometimes he left his box and was lost totally in the room. Span around, lap after lap. He seemed perverse of his own behavior, and a bit in a panic to try to bring order to the world.

A not happy Pipis and a young Anna
We called the closest veterinary several times that morning, but the line was busy. I decided to walk there anyway. To kill a rabbit.. they should have time for that.
- He might have an ear infection. It can also be a the teeth. Has he met other rabbits? No? You should have this medicin anyway. And for ears and.. teeth. And painkiller.

In nature you were rasied, in nature you will always run.
So questions about this silly world;
How can companies work with healthcare? They have to make profit, right? Profit they can just have if their patients is a little bit sick all the time, with a hope to make it better with medicin. And the medicin have to work just a little bit, to sell more, with the hope from the sick person to be healthier. And they can make up what ever. With hope, we stay alive.
And in veterinary business. Why should it be different? "Bad reputation will fell bad services businesses" and "let the best one win", is that really true? A health marked based on competition. "In this hospital you will be so healthy!" How can healthcare be business? That is just my question, no other values in how to build a society. Expect of that health should be a human right. And then use easy solutions that works. Don't start with the medicin. We are humans. We are dependent on our suroundings. Start there and a lot of medicin is just crap.
Of course we want our small friends to stay with us for a little bit longer. But a 11 year old rabbit? Poor Pipis. But he's back to the wild now. We never walked back to the veterinary, no need for that. Just to kill a rabbit with a stroke.
Naaw, Pipis. Run in peace. <3